Results-Driven Digital Marketing Agency

Smart marketing. Smart business systems.

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Fast-track your way through our DAM RIGHT process starting with a $600 marketing health check audit.

Get more buck for your bang

Our ‘DAM RIGHT’ process  guides prospects through the complete customer journey. It’s a proven system that is both a Lead-Generator and a Deal-Closer. 

Is your website holding you back?

Your website is key to growing your business and is the foundation of our ‘DAM RIGHT’ marketing system.

We’ll look at your website as part of the ‘RIGHT message’ step of our DAM RIGHT process.

Hit the button below and let’s sort it out.

” I see many businesses failing due to a website that is outdated, hard to navigate, and simply does not generate new business effectively.

Let’s meet up and work out if your website is a winner. “

Luke Hamilton, CEO, Marketing Clinic

Featured insights

Browse through some of our Blog posts & gain knowledge and understanding about the latest digital marketing solutions.

The Facebook blanket bomb method

The Facebook blanket bomb strategy is the modern day equivalent of a mass letterbox mailout. However this particular version is exponentially cheaper and is precision targeted.
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Google Ads Search – Minimum Viable Marketing Solution

In this minimum viable marketing solution we detail the use of Google Search Adverts to target ideal clients & highlight the need of a simple email follow up sequence.
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Uncover Opportunity With This 22-Point Audit Cheat Sheet

This blog post provides a birds eye view of the Marketing Clinics DAM RIGHT process via a 22-point audit checklist so that you can better understand how a successful strategy...
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We're not just a pretty interface!

We’re a group of dedicated digital marketing specialists that help people like you grow your business. We’re experts in Lead-Generation and Lead-To-Client conversion. We use Google Ads, SEO, Website Development, Email Marketing and CRM workflow automation to deliver high-impact digital marketing systems that are designed to fast-track your success.  Here are 4 excellent reasons to work with us:


We have a proven track record in a range of services including Website Development, PPC and SEO. Uniquely, we work with all small business sizes including 'very small' business.


Our DAM RIGHT process is tried and tested and has delivered successful outcomes for a range of clients working in a variety of markets.


We can implement highly effective automated CRM based marketing strategies using your platform or ours. SalesStream (our CRM) uses automated email sequences, sms marketing and more to turn leads into clients.

ServiceM8 Partner

Marketing Clinic is a qualified ServiceM8 partner. if you supply services in the field, we'll automate your operations to ensure your team is working at peak performance.


Our talented creative team is a healthy mix of business pragmatism and creative genius. This has proven to be the perfect recipe for the development of digital marketing assets.

What our clients are saying

Nerd alert!

Our strategy is based on making decisions using actual data rather than guesswork. Transparency is key to our philosophy. See our top frequently asked questions and learn more about how we approach digital marketing.

There are 2 costs associated with running a PPC campaign:

  1. The money you pay Google or Facebook to run your adverts,
  2. The money you pay your marketing agency to manage your PPC campaigns.

Your total cost is the sum of these costs.

In answering this question you must first answer the following 2 questions:

  1. Are your potential clients using Facebook?
  2. Does your budget allow you to implement both an ADWORDS & Facebook advertising system?

If your answer to question (1) above is YES, and (2) is NO, then you have a decision to make.

Hit the ‘Read more’ button below in order to see the decision tree we follow in deciding between Facebook and Google ADWORDS.

Yes, absolutely! We build beautiful websites and we’d love to talk about it with you.

If you choose our ‘website-only’ package it will enable us to plug in your marketing at a later date.

We like to keep things simple and there’s nothing more simple than our monthly ‘1-Number’ ROI Report.

The number on your ‘1-Number’ ROI Report is your return on investment – a ‘4’ means we have achieved a 4x return on your investment for the month, a ‘6’ means 6x.

In order to produce your ‘1-Number’ ROI Report we need to do a bit of work linking up your CRM to the marketing system….. but it’s worth it. We’ll match up the clicks, and website phone calls to actual clients in the CRM. We’ll then be able to extract revenue figures once leads turn into clients.

A lot of our competitors will ignore ROI reporting and instead report on leads, clicks and even impressions. We think these reports are useless to most high level business managers & business owners who haven’t got the time to wade through such detail. And most importantly, these reports FAIL to answer the only question you really care about – “How much money am I making from my marketing spend?”.

So why are these marketing agencies producing these useless reports? The answer is that they cannot accurately produce a Return On Investment report as they have not integrated their lead generation marketing system into your CRM.

When scaling your marketing system the devil is in the detail.

Scaling is easy if you are storing the right information in your CRM.

Our marketing systems store detailed Lead Source information against all leads and clients. This information includes:

  1. utm_Source – (google, facebook, direct, conference, linkedin …)
  2. utm_Medium – (email, cpc, organic, share, referral …)
  3. utm_Campaign – (service-1, service-2, brand, remarketing ….)
  4. utm_Term – (get-25%-off, fear-of-failure, …)
  5. utm_Content – (img-falling-off-cliff, smiling-mum ….)
  6. lead_cta – (eBook form, all from website, meeting booking …)

Therefore it’s easy to quickly run a report to answer questions like the following – “Which marketing campaigns have produced the best return on investment over the last 6 weeks?”

This report and others like it quickly show you which campaigns to scale up, and which campaigns to wind back or close down.

Storing this information will also enable you to run appropriate and segmented reports after you’ve scaled up so you can judge success.  

The simple answer is to aim for 3X ROI to start with.

However, it’s not unusual to achieve a much higher Return On Investment.

For example, in the month of May 2018, we achieved a 13X ROI for one client.

The next month in June we achieved a Return On Investment of more than 14X ROI for a different client.

Yes, absolutely!

Our SEO strategies rely on content creation, re-purposing content, and publishing content in such a way as to maximise your organic listing.

We’ll also pursue a cutting-edge back-linking and citation strategy.

Yes, we can manage just your Google Ads campaigns.

We can also consult on other parts of your marketing system and advise on where improvements can be made.

This is a simple question and it deserves a simple answer.

Your Marketing Agency should be able to provide you with something close to our ‘1-Number’ Return On Investment (ROI) Monthly Report. This report consists of just one number. This number is your Return On Investment for the month before.

For example, if you spend $3,000 on marketing each month and the marketing generated $12,000 of revenue last month, the ‘1-Number ROI Report’ would have a 4 on it (12k/3k).

If that number is greater than 2 then your Marketing Agency is doing a good job.  If that number is less than 2, your marketing agency has some explaining to do.

However, don’t stop there. It would be best if you made sure that the ‘1-Number’ ROI Report you’ve been given is accurate. Therefore. you need to ask your Marketing Agency for the list of new clients that make up the revenue reported in the ‘1-Number’ ROI report.

Unfortunately, most marketing companies will not be able to produce this list of clients as they are not correctly tracking ROI. Instead, they will track anonymous leads, and multiply that number against a generic number they’ll call “Lead Value”. In other words, their lead tracking system stops at the lead generation stage.

This kind of reporting is a problem for reasons explained in another FAQ – “How Do I Scale My Marketing System … Properly?”

True ROI reporting for Lead Generation marketing systems is difficult to produce. This is especially the case when the average time to move a lead from prospect to client takes days or weeks.

In this case, your marketing agency must have a system that matches form fill-outs and phone calls to real leads in the CRM. Then they need to accurately store the Lead source information against that Lead in the CRM (example – Lead Source – Google, Lead Medium – Paid, Lead Campaign – Remarketing etc..).

There’s a tremendous amount of work and resources that goes into:

  • finding your target audience,
  • presenting a relevant message to them.

In order to achieve this, you’ll most likely pay companies like Google and Facebook for their information and services.

However, you want to be as self sufficient as possible. Facebook and Google change their algorithms and the rules of engagement weekly.

Therefore, the only sensible strategy is to stop relying on these companies as soon as you can. And the best way to do this is to store lead and client information into your CRM as soon as you can.

Once you have lead information in your CRM you can nurture and help your leads independently companies like Google and Facebook. You then hold the power and your marketing expenses are dramatically reduced.

The other reason that CRM’s are important is because of the Lead to Client conversion process.

For many companies a lead may take weeks and months before they become a client. Many companies use a CRM to control this process and to make sure leads don’t fall between the cracks. The Sales Team use the CRM to record lead progress as they move from ‘Lead Validation’ to ‘Lead Qualification’ to ‘Opportunity’ to ‘Proposal Sent’ to ‘Proposal Signed’ and onto a client. 

The CRM also plays a critical role in encouraging past clients to re-purchase or in educating them in how a different product or service can solve another one of their problems.

Clarity & Control Over Your Sales & Marketing

We’re Lead-Generation specialists with a focus on tracking, measuring and analysing data. This is good news for you because:

  1. We’re able to work out exactly what’s working with your marketing and what’s not.
  2. We’re always optimising, growing & improving your marketing system.
  3. Our reporting is clear & concise which keeps you in control and involved in decision-making. 

A very happy client!

This result was recently achieved for a client using the DAM RIGHT process. Book a meeting so that we can work out if the same simple strategy can be used for your company.

More revenue, more clients, right now

Book a meeting here or fill out the form below & let’s get cracking